Vowel Counter

Write a program vowel_counter.py that prints out how many vowels there are in a word entered by the user.

The program should include a function count_vowels(word) that takes the parameter word and goes through it letter by letter, and comparing those with the vowels stored in a list: ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', or 'u']. That function returns the vowel count to the main program which prints it out.

Variation #1

As long as you are counting values, count the number of y letters in the word as well. If a word has no standard vowels, indicate the number of y letters in the word.

Note that this doesn't always yield the correct number of vowel sounds in a word. The word "why" has a single vowel in it, the y, and the word "yellow" has two vowels, e and o--the strategy given above yields a correct count for those words.

The word "mystery", however, has three vowels it in: the e and the two ys. The simple "aeiou" or "y" counter fails for a word like this.

Variation #2

Modify count_vowels(word) so that it also works for words like "mystery". What is the distinguishing characteristic about the first "y" in "mystery" that would indicate it should be counted as a vowel?