AP Computer Science A


AP Computer Science, White - G Period, 2024-2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
01/12/25 01/13/25 01/14/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 01/18/25

Class cancelled Day 1-No class. Return to school. CLASS: Winter Decathlon CLASS: Intro to git. Installation, set up global variables, init a project, status, log, commit Day 4-No class. Second Semester Begins

HW: Winter Decathlon HW:

01/19/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 01/22/25 01/23/25 01/24/25 01/25/25

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday CLASS: branches, merges, conflicts.
Intro to GitHub : downloads.
CLASS: GitHub continued, cloning, pushing. Putting your own project on GitHub. Begin work on PlaylistProject Day 1-No class CLASS: Playlist Project

HW: HW: Playlist Project
HW: Playlist Project
01/26/25 01/27/25 01/28/25 01/29/25 01/30/25 01/31/25 02/01/25

CLASS:Pull requests Day 4-No class CLASS: Review, HANDOUT-Arrays, ArrayLists. CodingBat with Arrays (Array1, Array2). CLASS: Test-Arrays, ArrayLists Day 1-No class

HW: Review for test HW: Push PlaylistProject to GitHub

02/02/25 02/03/25 02/04/25 02/05/25 02/06/25 02/07/25 02/08/25

CLASS: Designing Classes; Designing Good Methods; Intro to UML. Do CashRegisterCoin.zip . CLASS: Accessors, Mutators, and Immutable Classes; Side Effects; Call-by-Value vs. Call-by-Reference; Preconditions and Postconditions; assertions; Download Project-CR Coin Returner.zip Day 4-No class CLASS:Problem-Solving Patterns; Static Variables and Methods; Scope. Examples: BankAccount, RectangleTester. Write Statistics class. CLASS: Design Patterns, Introduce Project: Office Supplies

HW: Read Ch 11, Sections 11.1 - 11.6. Upload CashRegisterCoin.zip . HW: Work on CR Coin Returner.zip
HW: Upload completed CRCoinReturner.zip. HW: Work on Project-Office Supplies
02/09/25 02/10/25 02/11/25 02/12/25 02/13/25 02/14/25 02/15/25

Day 1-No class CLASS: Continue OfficeSupplies CLASS: Simulations, Project-RideShare Day 4-No class Professional Growth Day

HW: Work on OfficeSupplies HW: Work on implementing solution to RideShare

02/16/25 02/17/25 02/18/25 02/19/25 02/20/25 02/21/25 02/22/25

Presidents’ Day (Holiday) CLASS: Simulations, RideShare CLASS: Simulations, RideShare Day 1-No class CLASS: Inheritance; Subclasses. Write Person superclass and subclasses. Get Handout-OOP Inheritance Review.

HW: Work on implementing solution to RideShare HW: Work on implementing solution to RideShare
HW: Read Lecture notes on Inheritance (Unit 10, part 1), upload Person.zip (w/Person, Student, and Instructor classes)
02/23/25 02/24/25 02/25/25 02/26/25 02/27/25 02/28/25 03/01/25

CLASS: Overriding Methods; The Clothing class Day 4-No class CLASS: Polymorphism; Cosmic Superclass (Object), overriding methods CLASS: Introduce Project: Zookeeper. (Instructor gone) Day 1-No class

HW: Upload Clothing.java
HW: Upload Wardrobe.zip. HW: Work on Zookeeper

03/02/25 03/03/25 03/04/25 03/05/25 03/06/25 03/07/25 03/08/25

CLASS: Complete Zookeeper. (Instructor gone) CLASS: Start BallInheritance activity Day 4-No class CLASS: Continue BallInheritance Activity CLASS: Open Source. Linux, Servers, VPS, Domains, LAMP, installing software. Software. openssl. cron jobs. SCaLE Conference

HW: Work on projects HW: Work on BallInheritance
HW: Upload BallInheritance.zip HW: Relax
03/09/25 03/10/25 03/11/25 03/12/25 03/13/25 03/14/25 03/15/25

US Writing Day Day 1-No class. Quarter 4 Begins Quarter 4 begins. CLASS: Intro to Recursion; Recursive Loop. Visual Code Tracing of recursive calls. Recursive Sums, Recursive Products, Recursive Fibonacci CLASS: Recursion; Fractal Trees (Processing), Sierpinski Triangles (Processing) Day 4-No class

HW: Read Ch 5, sections 5.8 - 5.10; upload RecursiveSum.java; upload RecursiveFactorial.java HW: Upload recursion.png, a PNG file of a recursive image that you created

03/16/25 03/17/25 03/18/25 03/19/25 03/20/25 03/21/25 03/22/25

CLASS: Sorting and Searching: Selection Sort CLASS: InsertionSort Day 1-No class CLASS: Searching. LinearSearch, Binary Search CLASS: 2-D Arrays. MagicSquare

HW: Upload SelectionSortDemo.java HW: Upload InsertionSortTester.zip
HW: LinearSearch.java due. HW: GameOfLife, MagicSquare
03/23/25 03/24/25 03/25/25 03/26/25 03/27/25 03/28/25 03/29/25

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

03/30/25 03/31/25 04/01/25 04/02/25 04/03/25 04/04/25 04/05/25

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break