AP Computer Science A


AP Computer Science, White - G Period, 2024-2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
08/18/24 08/19/24 08/20/24 08/21/24 08/22/24 08/23/24 08/24/24

First Day of School, Special Schedule. Course overview, course website, classroom computers, your own computer. Start Unit 1 - Getting Started. Names video! Day 1-No class CLASS: Continue Unit 1, incl. Bebras Computational Thinking exercises.

HW: Worksheet 1 - Encapsulation and Binary. Fill out Student Info form
HW: Install tools on your computer, Worksheet 2 - Organizing Files
08/25/24 08/26/24 08/27/24 08/28/24 08/29/24 08/30/24 08/31/24

CLASS: Tools installed? Terminal; the course server, logins/passwords, bash shell, basic bash commands, directory structure, logging onto the server Day 4-No class CLASS: Start Unit 2 - Programing Basics, 2.1 - 2.4: Java, Text editing, HelloWorld, uploading to the server CLASS: Continue Unit 2. 2.5 - 2.9. Intro to BlueJ, Producing Output, Data Types and Variables, Numeric Data Types Day 1-No class

HW: Worksheet 3 - Files and Folders.
HW: Upload HelloWorld.java HW: Worksheet - Navigating with the Command Line, upload Powers, TemperatureConverter, TotalHeight, MinutesSeconds

09/01/24 09/02/24 09/03/24 09/04/24 09/05/24 09/06/24 09/07/24

Labor Day (Holiday) CLASS: Unit 2, 2.10 - 2.12. Errors/Debugging, Getting Input, Strings, CircleSphere, OneYearOlder CLASS: Test-CS Tools Day 4-No class CLASS: Unit 2, 2.13. Methods

HW: Upload OverflowError, RoundingError, PairCalculation, AgeName HW: Online Reading-Origins of Computing
HW: Upload PersonalHello, Adder1, OldMacDonald
09/08/24 09/09/24 09/10/24 09/11/24 09/12/24 09/13/24 09/14/24

CLASS: Work day Day 1-No class CLASS: Start Unit 3 - Conditionals. Boolean expressions, The if statement; Comparing Values: Relational Operators, Comparing Floating Point Numbers w/ EPSILON, Comparing Strings with .equals(), Comparing Objects, Testing for null; CLASS: Conditionals, cont’d. Day 4-No class

HW: Upload Adder2, FourMethods
HW: VotingAge, SecretMessage, DaysInMonth, SolidLiquidGas HW: GradeReporter, PaycheckOvertime, CoinToss, CardString;

09/15/24 09/16/24 09/17/24 09/18/24 09/19/24 09/20/24 09/21/24

CLASS: Multiple Alternatives: nested if-elses, the switch statement; Using Boolean Expressions: the boolean type, Boolean operators, using Boolean variables; Test Coverage. CLASS: Conditionals, cont’d. RockPaperScissors, PigLatin Day 1-No class CLASS: case/switch-style conditionals. Review GradeReporter.java, evaluate as class. Pop Quiz-Quadratics.java on whiteboards CLASS: Video - Computer Science

HW: TriangleIdentifier, BeverageRec HW: Complete conditional assignments
HW: Use WKSHT - Conditionals to review HW: Relax!
09/22/24 09/23/24 09/24/24 09/25/24 09/26/24 09/27/24 09/28/24

Outdoor Ed Outdoor Ed Outdoor Ed Outdoor Ed Outdoor Ed

09/29/24 09/30/24 10/01/24 10/02/24 10/03/24 10/04/24 10/05/24

Francis Wass Day (No school) CLASS: Coding Bat - Conditionals Day 4-No class Rosh Hashana (No school) CLASS: Test-Data Types and Conditionals

HW: Study for test

HW: Online Reading - Learning to Think Like a Computer
10/06/24 10/07/24 10/08/24 10/09/24 10/10/24 10/11/24 10/12/24

CLASS: Start Unit 4 - OOP. Classes, Objects, Methods, Attributes, Types of methods: Accessors, Mutators. Java API. Day 1-No class CLASS: Using classes, creating objects, calling methods, Instance variables and Encapsulation; Specifying the Public Interface of a Class; Commenting the Public Interface. CLASS: Implementing classes. HANDOUT-Car class. Day 4-No class

HW: Person
HW: Counter HW: CoinForFlipping, BankAccount, GradeData;

10/13/24 10/14/24 10/15/24 10/16/24 10/17/24 10/18/24 10/19/24

CLASS: Implementing classes continued. CLASS: Implementing classes, cont’d. Day 1-No class CLASS: Reviewing OOP principles. AP Problem: Bus class PSAT Testing Day

HW: Car, Magic8Ball, Employee, Pair2 HW: CashRegister, QuadraticSolver
HW: Study for test

10/20/24 10/21/24 10/22/24 10/23/24 10/24/24 10/25/24 10/26/24

Day 4-No class CLASS: Test-Implementing and Using OOP Classes CLASS: Start Unit 5 - Loops. conditional loops: the while-loop. Infinite loops, off-by-one errors, do loops (not used in this course). Using debugger in BlueJ. Day 1-No class. First quarter ends. US Writing Day

HW: Online Reading - Bubble Boys HW: CountingLoops, Factorial, NinetyNineBottles

10/27/24 10/28/24 10/29/24 10/30/24 10/31/24 11/01/24 11/02/24

CLASS: Sentinel values, The break and continue statements, for-loop, counting, summing,. Common Loop Algorithms. CLASS: loop problems: Strings Day 4-No class CLASS: Discuss loop problems. RandomWalker CLASS: More complex loop problems

HW: SentinelHello, SumPositiveValues, SumIntegers, MultipleSixes, CountingEvens; WKSHT - Iterations HW: VowelCounter, Censor, Palindrome
HW: RandomWalker HW: PowerGenerator, FibonacciGenerator, PrimeGenerator
11/03/24 11/04/24 11/05/24 11/06/24 11/07/24 11/08/24 11/09/24

Day 1-No class CLASS: Number Guessing Game CLASS: Nested Loops Day 4-No class CLASS: Graphical Random Walker

HW: NumberGuessingGame.java HW: Rexy, Odometer, TimesTable, RockPaperScissors (opt)
11/10/24 11/11/24 11/12/24 11/13/24 11/14/24 11/15/24 11/16/24

CLASS: Start Unit 6 - Graphics. Processing installation, basics, window coordinates Day 1-No class CLASS: Nested Loops, graphic window CLASS: Nested Loops, photos Day 4-No class

HW: graphic.png
HW: WalkerGraphical.zip HW: PROJ-PictureProject.zip

11/17/24 11/18/24 11/19/24 11/20/24 11/21/24 11/22/24 11/23/24

CLASS: Nested Loops, photos CLASS: Start Unit 7 - Arrays, ArrayLists. Arrays; description, strategies including .length, index variable, manually managing the length of the array. HANDOUT-Arrays, ArrayLists Day 1-No class CLASS: ArrayLists: Introduce ArrayLists, Wrappers, Auto-boxing, the Enhanced for-loop. Examine Bank.zip (from instructor) and complete instructions in README.txt. CLASS: FriendsArrayList, Bank project

HW: PROJ-PictureProject.zip HW: MonthConverter, MaxAndMin, FriendsArray
HW: FriendsArrayList, Bank, BankAccount HW: Relax!
11/24/24 11/25/24 11/26/24 11/27/24 11/28/24 11/29/24 11/30/24

Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday

12/01/24 12/02/24 12/03/24 12/04/24 12/05/24 12/06/24 12/07/24

Day 4-No class CLASS: ArrayLists: Simple Array Algorithms: Counting Matches, Finding the location of a Value, Finding Max or Min. CLASS: Copying Arrays; Intro to 2D arrays Day 1-No class CLASS: 2-D Arrays: Project - Game of Life

HW: SeventeenCounter, RunFinder (optional) HW: MultiplicationTable, Mugwumps (optional)
HW: GameOfLife
12/08/24 12/09/24 12/10/24 12/11/24 12/12/24 12/13/24 12/14/24

CLASS: Review Loops-Coding Bat Day 4-No class CLASS: Test-Loops CLASS: Regular Expressions; External Files: Reading, Writing; Activity-ElfName Day 1-No class

HW: Study for test
HW: Online Reading-The Hackathon is On HW:

12/15/24 12/16/24 12/17/24 12/18/24 12/19/24 12/20/24 12/21/24

CLASS: Prep for Block Day Block Day Block Day Block Day Block Day

HW: Relax

12/22/24 12/23/24 12/24/24 12/25/24 12/26/24 12/27/24 12/28/24

Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

12/29/24 12/30/24 12/31/24 01/01/25 01/02/25 01/03/25 01/04/25

Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

01/05/25 01/06/25 01/07/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 01/10/25 01/11/25

Day 1-No class CLASS: Welcome Back. Winter Decathlon (zip download) Class cancelled Class cancelled Class cancelled

HW: Winter Decathlon

01/12/25 01/13/25 01/14/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 01/18/25

Class cancelled Day 1-No class. Return to school. CLASS: Winter Decathlon CLASS: Intro to git. Installation, set up global variables, init a project, status, log, commit Day 4-No class. Second Semester Begins

HW: Winter Decathlon HW:

01/19/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 01/22/25 01/23/25 01/24/25 01/25/25

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday CLASS: branches, merges, conflicts.
Intro to GitHub : downloads.
CLASS: Review, HANDOUT-Arrays, ArrayLists. CodingBat with Arrays (Array1, Array2). Day 1-No class CLASS: Test-Arrays, ArrayLists

HW: HW: Review for test
HW: Push PlaylistProject to GitHub
01/26/25 01/27/25 01/28/25 01/29/25 01/30/25 01/31/25 02/01/25

CLASS: GitHub continued, cloning, pushing. Putting your own project on GitHub. Begin work on PlaylistProject Day 4-No class CLASS: Playlist Project CLASS:Pull requests Day 1-No class

HW: Playlist Project
HW: Playlist Project HW:

02/02/25 02/03/25 02/04/25 02/05/25 02/06/25 02/07/25 02/08/25

CLASS: Designing Classes; Designing Good Methods; Intro to UML. Do CashRegisterCoin.zip . CLASS: Accessors, Mutators, and Immutable Classes; Side Effects; Call-by-Value vs. Call-by-Reference; Preconditions and Postconditions; assertions; Download Project-CR Coin Returner.zip Day 4-No class CLASS:Problem-Solving Patterns; Static Variables and Methods; Scope. Examples: BankAccount, RectangleTester. Write Statistics class. CLASS: Design Patterns, Introduce Project: Office Supplies

HW: Read Ch 11, Sections 11.1 - 11.6. Upload CashRegisterCoin.zip . HW: Work on CR Coin Returner.zip
HW: Upload completed CRCoinReturner.zip. HW: Work on Project-Office Supplies
02/09/25 02/10/25 02/11/25 02/12/25 02/13/25 02/14/25 02/15/25

Day 1-No class CLASS: Continue OfficeSupplies CLASS: Simulations, Project-RideShare Day 4-No class Professional Growth Day

HW: Work on OfficeSupplies HW: Work on implementing solution to RideShare