Friends ArrayList

Write a program FriendsArrayList that creates an empty ArrayList of String values. Then write a loop that uses a Scanner to have the user enter a series of friends' names (using in.nextLine()), adding the friends' names in the ArrayList as it goes. A blank entry "" is the sentinel value that ends the input. After that, the entire list of friends is displayed.

Sample output:

Enter a friend's name [blank line to finish]: Dana
Enter a friend's name [blank line to finish]: Gary
Enter a friend's name [blank line to finish]: Ruthie
Enter a friend's name [blank line to finish]: Aaron
Enter a friend's name [blank line to finish]: 
Here are your friends:


This program has exactly the same input and output as the FriendsArray program. Which implementation did you prefer when writing it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the List strategies, Array and ArrayList?