Honors Physics


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Honors Physics - F (White S1, Dunham S2)


First Quarter, 2024-2025
8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24

1st day of school Day 1 (no L) Day 2

RoadRunner physics

Cart exploration lab


Read course policies, complete student survey
1. Read Openstax sections 2.1 (displacement) and 2.2 (vectors + scalars) 2. Answer + check: CQ2.1, 2.4, 2.6 Problems 2.1, 2.3
8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31

Day 3 (no L) Day 4 Day 5 (no L) Day 6 Day 1 - L period

Vocabulary of motion
Pull-back truck mini-lab
Graphs of motion

Mathematical and graphical relationships Problem solving with kinematic equations + free fall intro Lab#1: Accelerating cart

HW3: HW4: HW:

CQ2.10, 2.27
problem 2.64

CQ 2.18
Problems 2.59, 2.65
CQ 2.14, 2.15,
Problems 2.21, 2.28, 2.43
work on lab write up - due Weds
9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Free fall Problem solving round robin
Multiple representations of data activity
Poppers mini-lab

HW: HW5:

Finish lab write-up - due tomorrow Problems 2.38, 2.47, 2.67
Review for test
9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/14

Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Test #1 on graphs + 1D kinematics Vectors and vector notation 2D kinematics - concepts + cannonball 2D kinematics problem solving + nerf minilab

HW: HW6: HW7: HW8:

Relax! From Chapter 3:
CQ 3, 8
Problems 2, 3, 4
From chapter 3:
CQ 13
Problem 19
From chapter 3:
Problems 26, 27

9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21

Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3

Bus Jump mini-lab To Catch a ball lab Problem solving practice for test Test #2 on vectors + 2D kinematics Vector walk


Do pre-lab preparation for To Catch a Ball Lab Review Review relax! Enjoy the week away!
9/22 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28

Outdoor Ed Week Outdoor Ed Week Outdoor Ed Week Outdoor Ed Week Outdoor Ed Week

9/29 9/30 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5

Day 3 Day 4
Day 5

Francis Wass Day

no school
1. NLs concepts + demos
2. Hoverdisk mini-lab
3. important figures in developing dynamics

**Post Extra-Credit assignment - due Thurs 10/17

Rosh Hashanah 1. Inertia, mass, and weight
2. Newton's first law
3. Start types of forces



From Ch.4:
CQ 9, 17

From Ch.4:
CQ 4, 19, 21

10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12

Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 - RD out

1. Recap types of forces
2. Drawing FBDs
3. If time, start N2L problem solving without friction
N2L problem solving without friction:
1. 1D
2. ramps
3. pulleys
N2L lab (formal writeup) Friction: static vs kinetic
Problem solving with friction

HW11: HW12: HW: HW13:

Finish FBD drawing problem set from class From Ch4:
Problems 9, 11a, 20, 23
work on lab write-up: due in 3 classes From Ch. 4:
Problem 46

From Ch 5:
CQ 1
Problems 4 (𝜇k= 0.3 and 𝜇s = 0.5 ), 11 (𝜇k = 0.1)

10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19

Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 **optional Extra Credit due today by 3:15 Day 3

More practice with problem solving, with and without friction 1. Coin on book mini-lab
2. Intro to centripetal force - concepts + demos (cup w/ water, skiing video, loop the loops)
Centripetal motion practice Review problems PSAT Day

No Classes

HW: HW14: HW15: HW:

Finish lab write-up - due tomorrow From Ch6:
CQ 2, 4, 6
P 11
CQ 5
P 31

10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period

TEST #3 on Newton's laws + dynamics (including centripetal motion) Solving problems with centripetal forces 1. Check in about centripetal calculations
2. Talk about artificial gravity as an application
3. Start talking about gravitation
FACULTY WRITING DAY (NO SCHOOL)--(first quarter ends)

HW: HW16: HW:

Q1 reflection for tomorrow From Ch6:
CQ 7, 10
P 21, 32
Do prelab for Penny on a Turntable lab

Second Quarter, 2024-2025

10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/1 11/2

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

1. Penny on a turntable lab (in class)
2. More with gravitation
1. Weightlessness and apparent weight
2. Orbits and satellites

Airplane mini-lab, something fun for Halloween Review

HW17: HW18 - due Fri

From Ch6:
CQ 21
P 25, 34, 40?
From Ch4:
CQ 23,
P 13 *use LUG
From Ch6:
CQ 20

finish HW19 Review
11/3 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/9

Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Quest #4 on centripetal problem solving, gravitation, orbits (30-40 min only)
afterwards, start talking about energy!
Work and energy introduced Work/energy theorem
Power introduced
PE functions derived (gravitation, springs)

Finish up PE functions if needed
Conservation of energy derived

HW: HW19: HW20:

Relax! From chapter 7:
CQ 2, 4, 5
P 2, 6
From chapter 7:
CQ 19, 21
P 3, 7, 12

from chapter 7:
CQ 8, 13
P 20, 21, 34

11/10 11/11 11/12 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/16

Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Hot Wheels lab - in class CoE problem solving - round robin Pendulum lab - formal writeup more compelx problem solving

HW: HW22: HW: HW23:

Finish lab write-up to turn in next class From chapter 7:
P 22, 24, 27
Start write-up: due Tues From chapter 7:
CQ 11
P 23, 25

11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23

Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2 Day 3: GPSFD

Energy odds n ends Review TEST 5 on work/energy Goalless problems introduced Thanksgiving speed test


Finish lab - due tomorrow Review relax! relax! Enjoy the break!
11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30


12/1 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/6 12/7

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period Day 2

Impulse/momentum introduced
Impulse mini-lab
Impulse in 2D
Conservation of momentum derived + explained
Conservation of energy vs. conservation of momentum + start problem solving more momentum problem solving

HW24: HW25: HW26: HW27:

from Chapter 8:
CQ 4, 5, 6
P 4, 8
from Chapter 8:
CQ 1, 9, 13
P 11, 20
From chapter 8:
CQ 14, 15, 16
P 23, 36, 43
Chapter 8:
CQ 20, 21
P 37, 44

12/8 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 1 - L period

Ballistic Pendulum lab - data collection
2D problem solving Round robin problem solving "The Wave" and egg crash minilabs

HW: HW28: HW:

Work on lab write-up: due in 2 classes
finish lab write up for tomorrow From chapter 8:
CQ 17
P 47, 48ab only
start reviewing
12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21

Day 2 Block Day Block Day Block Day Block Day


12-2: F block


1st hour: Momentum unit test

Review for unit test

2nd hour: something fun and creative!

12/22 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28

Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?)

12/29 12/30 12/31 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4

Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SNOW?)
1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11

Day 1 - EC part 2 posted Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Welcome back!
Intro to rotational motion
Rotational kinematics
Intro static equilibrium
Torque calculations
Rigid body analyses

More practice with torque

HW29: HW30: HW31:

From chapter 6:
CQ 1, Prob. 1, 2, 5
From chapter 10:
CQ 4
Prob. 2, 7, 8
From chapter 9:
CQ 2
From chapter 9:
CQ 3, 5
Prob. 1, 3

From chapter 9:
Prob 7, 9, 17

1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18

Day 6 Day 1 - shortened L period Day 2 Day 3 - end of Sem1 Day 4 - start Sem 2 - EC due 3:30 pm

Torque lab (static) Reconnecting + resetting
If time, EC work time
1. Balancing act mini-lab
2. Revisit torque definitions + basic calculations (HW31 in class)
More torque practice (HW32 in class)


Finish rigid body lab no HW - optional: work on EC no HW - optional: work on EC no HW - optional: work on EC