Intro to Computer Science


Intro CS Calendar, White - Period E, 2024-2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
01/12/25 01/13/25 01/14/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 01/18/25

Day 6 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3-End of First Semester Day 4-Second Semester Begins. CLASS: Introduction to course, website. Video: Explained Coding

HW: Fill out Student Info form, Do Worksheet 1 - Encapsulation and Binary.
01/19/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 01/22/25 01/23/25 01/24/25 01/25/25

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Day 5 CLASS: Unit 0. Introductions, Hardware, Software, the OS, Computational Thinking, Encapsulation & Binary CLASS: Tools installed? Terminal; the course server, logins/passwords, bash shell, basic bash commands, directory structure, logging onto the server Day 2

HW: Do Worksheet 2 - Organizing Files. Follow instructions at Unit 0, part 6. Installing Tools HW: Read Unit 0, sections 6

01/26/25 01/27/25 01/28/25 01/29/25 01/30/25 01/31/25 02/01/25

CLASS: Unit 1. Intro to Python, Configure VSCode. Upload CLASS: Unit 1. Programming Basics: Numeric data types, variables, calculations. Do hello_world_personal, hello_world_input_name_age Day 5 CLASS: Continuation of Unit 1. Activity: story_time. CLASS: Functions, Parameters, and Return Values. Functions to do stuff, functions with parameters.

HW: HW: Do hello_world_input_name, minutes_seconds, temp_converter and upload.
HW: Upload temp_converter_input, calculating_height, story_time HW: Do hello_function, old_macdonald. Worksheet 3 - Files and Folders
02/02/25 02/03/25 02/04/25 02/05/25 02/06/25 02/07/25 02/08/25

Day 2 CLASS: Functions with return values, do in class. CLASS: Do calculate_perimeter, four_functions. Bonus program: cricket_temperature Day 5 CLASS: Parson’s Problem: functions.

HW: Do add_function1, add_function2, look at four_functions. HW: Upload programs. Worksheet 4 - Navigating with the Command Line.
02/09/25 02/10/25 02/11/25 02/12/25 02/13/25 02/14/25 02/15/25

CLASS: Conditionals: if, if-else, if-elif-else. Do secret_message, voting_age Day 2 CLASS: Conditions, continued. Handout-Conditions CLASS: Conditionals Professional Growth Day

HW: Read Unit 2, section 1. Do bar_bouncer, lunch_or_dinner
HW: Do coin_toss, odd_even, breakfast_lunch_dinner, solid_liquid_gas, grade_identifier. HW: Do sorting_hat, magic_8_ball, paycheck

02/16/25 02/17/25 02/18/25 02/19/25 02/20/25 02/21/25 02/22/25

Presidents’ Day (Holiday) Day 5 CLASS: Coding Bat: In Python > Warmup-1, do sleep_In, diff21, parrot_trouble. CLASS: Quiz-Conditionals. Video. Day 2

HW: Study for quiz HW: Relax!

02/23/25 02/24/25 02/25/25 02/26/25 02/27/25 02/28/25 03/01/25

CLASS: Intro to Conditional Loops (while). Counting. Summing. Handout: Iterations. Do counting_0_to_9, looping_n_times, countdown. CLASS: Additional uses of while-loops: Interaction, Sentinels, Error-trapping. Day 5 CLASS: Machine Learning: AlphaGo (movie) CLASS: Machine Learning: AlphaGo (movie)

HW: Read Unit 2, section 2. Complete counting_0_to_9, looping_n_times, countdown, and upload. HW: Do sentinel_hello, counting_positives, counting_evens.
HW: None HW: None
03/02/25 03/03/25 03/04/25 03/05/25 03/06/25 03/07/25 03/08/25

Day 2 CLASS: Activity: CLASS: Overflow Day 5 CLASS: Open Source. Linux, Servers, VPS, Domains, LAMP, installing software. Software. openssl. cron jobs. SCaLE Event

HW: Read Unit 2, section 3. HW:
HW: Relax
03/09/25 03/10/25 03/11/25 03/12/25 03/13/25 03/14/25 03/15/25

US Writing Day CLASS: For-loops. Do for_loops, 99_bottles, coin_flipper Day 2 CLASS: Project: Craps CLASS: Basic Nested loops.

HW: Read Unit 2, section 4. (Reference Section 8.2).
HW: Work on HW: Read Unit 3, section 6. Reference Section 8.10.) Do odometer, draw_boxes, draw_rectangles, random_walker2
03/16/25 03/17/25 03/18/25 03/19/25 03/20/25 03/21/25 03/22/25

Day 5 CLASS: Complete; Intro to strings CLASS: Intro to strings; Do letter_printer, vowel_counter1, acronym. Day 2 Quarter 2 starts. CLASS: Continue string manipulation. Do how_are_you_doing, censor1, rock_paper_scissors.

HW: Upload HW: Read Unit 3, sections 1-2. (Reference Sections 9.1 - 9.8). Complete programs.
HW: Complete programs
03/23/25 03/24/25 03/25/25 03/26/25 03/27/25 03/28/25 03/29/25

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

03/30/25 03/31/25 04/01/25 04/02/25 04/03/25 04/04/25 04/05/25

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

04/06/25 04/07/25 04/08/25 04/09/25 04/10/25 04/11/25 04/12/25

CLASS: Formatting output. Introduction to lists, basic list manipulation, list operations. HANDOUT-Lists Day 5 CLASS: Continue list manipulation.The mod operator: even and odd. CLASS: codingbat warmup. Get PROJECT- secret_code. Day 2

HW: Read Unit 3, sections 4-5. Do shopping_list, vowel_counter2, counting_evens2, maximum_value2. (Reference Sections 10.1-10.7)
HW: No homework HW: Work on secret_code