PFS! Computer Science

Data Cleaning, Open Source Software, Loops, Automation, Final Project
14.0. Overview

Today we'll be covering a variety of topics, all related to different aspects of working with computers. Ultimately we'll get a first look at our final project in here.

Let's get started!

14.1. Cleaning Data

Processing information isn't always high-tech, amazing, cool, programming. Sometimes, you just need slog through a bunch of data and try to clean it up so you can use it.

Demo: Cleaning text data with grep

14.2. Open Source Software

Open Source Software is software that is (often) freely available and freely distributable.

Demo: The youtube-dl or yt-dlp programs

14.3. Loops

Loops exist in all programming languages. We can use loops to quickly work our way through a process that would otherwise be rather tedious.

Demo: Getting music versions of videos using youtube-dl

$ mkdir music
$ cd music
$ for v in  ; do yt-dlp $v ; done;

Demo: Creating short clips using ffmpeg

for f in *; do ffmpeg -i $f -ss 25 -t 20 -q:a 0 -map a ${f%%.*}.mp3; done;
mkdir fades/
for f in *; do ffmpeg -i $f -af "afade=t=in:st=0:d=2,afade=t=out:st=17:d=3" fades/$f; done;

14.4. Get a copy of this data

Get a copy of this information that you can use for our final project by downloading your songs from here.

For your project, you should have:

  1. an <h1> header at the top (on your index.html page)
  2. three questions with an audio file for each one
  3. green/red highlighting for right/wrong answers (implemented in MusicQuiz-RW fork)
  4. a link for your version of the project uploaded to the Turn in Work link