Intro to Computer Science

Student Information Form

It is helpful for me, your instructor, to know a little bit about you before we start working together this year. (I've returned the favor in advance; see the FAQs if you want to know a little bit about me!) I appreciate the time and effort you put into filling it out, and am happy to offer you a nominal amount of extra credit as thanks for completing this initial "assignment."

This form should take no more than 5 minutes or so to fill out. When you've finished, be sure to hit the "Submit" button at the bottom.

Personal Info

1. Which of Mr. White's courses are you enrolled in?

2. Your first name

3. Your last name

4. Any other name or nickname that you prefer to called by

5. Your pronouns that you would like me to use when referring to you:
     Other (please specify):

6. Your e-mail address

7. Your phone number

8. Your mailing address (including number, street, city, zipcode)

9. Languages spoken at home

10. I have read the Academic Integrity section and agree to abide by it.

Parent/Guardian Info

11. Parent/Guardian #1's first name

12. Parent/Guardian #1's last name

13. This person is your:
     Other (please specify how related):

14. Parent/Guardian #1's e-mail address

15. Parent/Guardian #1's mailing address

16. Parent/Guardian #1's home phone number

17. Parent/Guardian #1's work phone number

More Parent/Guardian Info

18. Parent/Guardian #2's first name

19. Parent/Guardian #2's last name

20. This person is your:
     Other (please specify how related):

21. Parent/Guardian #2's e-mail address

22. Parent/Guardian #2's mailing address

23. Parent/Guardian #2's home phone number

24. Parent/Guardian #2's work phone number

Tech Stuff

25. My preferred operating system is (check all that apply):
     Microsoft Windows
     Apple macOS
     Ubuntu Linux
     Other OS (Arch? Mint? Fedora? etc.) Please specify:

26. I use on a regular or semi-regular basis (check all that apply):
     Android Tablet (please specify brand/name):
     Laptop computer
     Desktop computer

27. My cellphone is:
     a "non-smart" phone: basic services and/or texting only
     an iPhone
     an Android phone
     Other (please specify):

More Stuff About You

28. Which best describes the way you interact with teachers, in general?
I am comfortable communicating with teachers and enjoy doing so.
I like to communicate with my teachers, but am sometimes uncomfortable doing so. I appreciate it when teachers reach out to me.
I reach out to my teacher only if things aren't going well, and that works just fine for me.
Communicating with teachers isn't usually easy for me. I hesitate to reach out even if things aren't going well.
Other (please specify):

29. List any extracurricular activities that you're involved in at school.

30. List the things you like to do on your own time.

31. List the college major(s) or career interests you're considering.

32. List three of your favorite musical artists.

33. If you wish, enter any additional information that you want to share with me that might help us to work together better in class.